We currently have 9,294 members.
We have currently served up
16,614,257 guestbook pages
since April 6, 2003.
ChristiansUnite.com Christian Guestbooks are now rated
as the top guestbooks in the Christian category. The extent of available customization and ease of use have made us
the favorite of thousands of Christian webmasters throughout the world.
ChristiansUnite is offering free guestbooks exclusively
to Christian web sites, for your personal homepage or company. A guestbook can supply you with valuable feedback while
adding interactivity to your site. ChristiansUnite Christian Guestbooks can be completely customized to match your site.
If you agree with our statement of beliefs, and terms of use then
you are welcome to sign up, and as soon as your account is authorized
you can have your guestbook up and running in no time.
Many Customizable Features
Choose your background color or texture, or use your own image.
Put your logo or other image on each page.
Choose your text colors, table colors and more...
Choose to receive an email with the guest's message every time your guestbook is signed.
Choose automatic posting, or choose to screen and authorize all entries before posting.
Delete already posted entries at any time.
Send an automatic customizable thank-you email when somebody signs your guestbook.
There's more...
A selected Bible verse on each page.
We'll keep a running total of how many times your guestbook has been viewed.
Guests don't leave your site. A link takes them right back to your site.
Image and HTML filters.
Easy to set-up and simple to maintain.
Ability to change or update the features at any time.
Advanced system for spam detection, reporting, and removal.
Sign up now and your application will be confirmed within 24 hours.